Friday, February 27, 2009

Our times.

We live in a society where education is equated to elitism, and ignorance to authenticity.

Protecting car occupants from the consequences of bad driving encourages bad driving. - Professor John Adams of University College London

"Volvo owners read Volvo advertisements." This does not mean that the more Volvo advertisements are printed or aired, the more Volvos will be purchased. Nor does it mean that if more of these advertisements, and those of competing manufacturers, are distributed, more cars of all makes will be sold. What it does mean is that people who have purchased a Volvo are more likely to read Volvo advertisements than the advertisements for other car makes.

The interpretation put forward by social psychologists for the fact that people selectively expose themselves to advertisements that agree with choices already made is that they seek after-the-choice justification for their decision. Voters expose themselves more to political messages that agree with their own views. Cigarette smokers pay more attention to cigarette advertisements than do non-smokers.[35]
-Wilde, G.J.S. (1993). Effects of mass media communications on health and safety habits: An overview of issues and evidence. Addiction, 88, 983-996.


Coy Mistress

Had we but world enough, and time,
This coyness, Lady, were no crime
We would sit down and think which way
To walk and pass our long love's day.
Thou by the Indian Ganges' side
Shouldst rubies find: I by the tide
Of Humber would complain. I would
Love you ten years before the Flood,
And you should, if you please, refuse
Till the conversion of the Jews.
My vegetable love should grow
Vaster than empires, and more slow;
An hundred years should go to praise
Thine eyes and on thy forehead gaze;
Two hundred to adore each breast,
But thirty thousand to the rest;
An age at least to every part,
And the last age should show your heart.
For, Lady, you deserve this state,
Nor would I love at lower rate.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

And so it is done

Err, not exactly, but I do hope to bid my smoking days goodbye. I know it has been a rather long time since I knew what a non-smoking life was like, but nonetheless, it is probably a good change no? Well, I do sincerely apologize if I do come off as temperamental, sleepy, agitated, having a cold.... right down to bloody insane! I really do not mean it, bear with me while I go through this phase.

Right... I will keep this blog post... for now, and when you guys see it on my blog, you'll know I didnt just type this. It is part of the planning, planning to plan the day it will happen. To me. BUT, yes, when you do see this, it has happened. The end of yet another phase.

Plan of action is simple, determination and nicotine replacement. I have decided not to buy cigarettes any more, but I will indulge in the occasional Havana. Nicotine replacement via nicorette inhaler!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It's all about Perspective.

The dangers of perceiving text in the light of our modern society, is very much highlighted, when there is such fervor in the analysis of certain text. However, it has to be pointed out, that there are many discrepancies known in most religious text(if you want a copy, drop me a note). These discrepancies are not coincidental or incidental in any way. But, in my point of view, necessary at the time of it's writing, to properly and effectively highlight importance of points and convey meaning. This may be because of a lower amount knowledge that was shared. Knowledge that we may now deem common sense.

The theory that I want to put across is, every religion is essentially a carrier of ideology, a carrier of ideas, it is how effectively these ideas are conveyed. What are the differences between them? Nothing if you ask me. They are reiterations of one another, about doing good, being morally upright, searching for wisdom and spiritual advancement, and sundry. If you look upon religions as teachings, then the acceptance of the entire concept of any religion is important.

Most religious text date back thousands of years, language variations in say, the last fifty years, already distorts meanings of songs and literature, it might be high time to remember that singling quotes and phrases really isn't the whole purpose of religion. Just like some religious text, picking and choosing and editing what you like and don't like, or what you feel conforms and does not is totally missing the point. In the same way, quoting text would be focusing attention on parts, parts which you want highlighted.

This constant erosion and exclusion of content, coupled with original inherent discrepancies, makes it all the more important to judge for yourself what the bigger meaning of having a religion is, what believing in a greater power is for, is about. We are in-built with our judgment, our thoughts that determine right from wrong, what we want and what we do not want. Don't constrict vision, it's about making educated choices.

In essence, any religion might not be so much a set of rules set in stone, but a guide to a lifestyle. One that is good. A suggestion to what you might want and how to get there.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Refuse to be ruled by convention.

Well, today has been rather sleepy, and there are so many things that can be on my mind, but unfortunately, I feel rather dazed out. The only real concern is when I go back to school in a few months time to finish off what has not been finished... It has to be done... I feel like a total failure in this. Not gonna talk about it, just gonna do it.

Well, routine aside, I do have some thoughts that surfaced / re-surfaced. I totally understand as to why I shouldn't ever blunder into a decision. Rather, make it a point to, without exception, ensure that it is both logically and emotionally sound. True, I have messed up before, but no. Not going to let it happen. As much as I can help it.

Another one is that, many things are simply beyond our control. I try and hold and retain power, control through many situations and circumstances. However, there will be things that elude you, that refuse your grasp. And these are the things that sometimes, i have to learn to let go of, and simply trust. Because, Reductio ad Absurdum.

I think I should never try convincing people. (unless absolutely necessary) Rather, leave them to make their choices. I can influence one decision, or a few, but that will never change the essence of who they are. More often than not, they are aware of the influence on their decision. Games are only meant for the boardroom.

Repetition, though annoying, is only because through life, you only ever see the bigger picture when you take a step back. Perhaps sometimes it is the bigger picture, sometimes, it's the smaller. Removal of weeds. Whatever clouds your mind. Whatever made you forget what you knew before. Duh... I know, but it's the simplest lessons that I re-learn over and over again. In the multitude of contexts they present themselves in.

I pray that I and those dear to me, will stand by decisions. That we have the strength and clarity of mind to remember the reason behind the initial decision. For wisdom. To hope and to trust.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The dawn of the Light

Well, this weekend was really in a league of it's own, with so many things happening that I suppose that this post really has to sort out my thoughts!

Firstly, Happy Birthday Daniel, though I didnt stay long at the gathering, I do hope that you had a smashing time! By the looks of it, and past record, I am sure you were smashed too!

On a much more serious note, I have been seriously contemplating what has happened over the past few days, and honestly, i have been thoroughly thrilled, totally happy and am in anticipation of what the future brings. There hasn't been a time since whenever, that i am so totally satisfied, so truly happy. Sometimes, and this happens rather often, that I feel that i am elaborating too much, and that there will come a point of time when I will be repeating what I say and think.

Well, to end of my rambling, I need to go sort out my thoughts, To form opinions about things, and this is awesome, love it.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Today, something rather interesting happened to me, I was being a total ass, and fiddling with what I thought might be true, and viola, well, at least in this case, I am sure it proved my point. I was talking to someone, and because he had no prior experience in doing something that I was hoping that he would take charge of, I said to him that because of (some irrelevant nonsense), he was the natural and best choice for that said task. After a tad of convincing, he actually agreed! Totally unlike his character, but he did. My point is, you are who you think you are, or rather, quoting; "I think, therefore I am".

How far does that go? I truly wonder. If every day, we tell ourselves that we are lacking in some way or other, will that translate to us actually behaving and thinking that it is true? Honestly, I sincerely believe so. I was selling office files a pretty long time ago, and it was my job to convince people that my files were the best! Through that, I learned that it is actually easier to convince yourself, far easier than it is to convince others. Simply because, and this is from a conversation with my dear friend, that words are rather poor carriers of thought and emotion, and as such, we relay to ourselves what we are trying to justify to others with words even better than the other party is getting the message. I still do think that that brand of files that i used to market are the best, by far!

So, my dear friend, friends, do not tell yourself what you are, are not, focus on the goal, and what you truly want, and brave the path. I am still in the process of self discovery, perhaps I am wrong, but whatever it is, it feels right and this feels right!

In this case - my email.

In this financial situation, is marketing over-zealously out of point? I have been pondering about this for quite some time, and these are my views. Though from the brand awareness and general marketing point of view, it may seem that there are benefits to be reaped, these must be carefully evaluated.

There is a very important need for the benefits of increased marketing efforts to present itself later and not immediately. This is due to widespread cash flow problems in the M&E, SME sectors, the negative effects of a credit line or serviceable payment terms very often, without much thought, extended to customers, will become extremely pronounced. This said, the evaluation and decision in regard to job uptake must be re-looked at.

Just as in the global playground, the importance of re-evaluating sub-prime accounts is essential to the longevity of the supplying company, and the preservation of intangible assets (namely the preservation of essential anchor customers) of companies. However, the method of approaching this issue cannot be based on the Obama formula that was recently published, simply because there is no leeway for that kind of action. What must be done though, is that negotiations must be initiated, on an ASAP standpoint. Guarantees from both sides for non-erring contracts, must be reached.

On a micro-scale, individual responsibility on each member of any organization is paramount, to ensure the cardinal responsibility to the enterprise is upheld. It is in this situation that I urge every member and partner to be extra diligent, and remember that individual day to day decisions are those that make or break an organization. I cannot emphasize enough on how guidelines and procedures must be strictly adhered to.

Departments that should revamp operations are marketing and research, where emphasis must be shifted from the pursuit of the here and now, to the acquisition of the future. Groundwork must be laid out in anticipation, rather than as a reaction. Direction, though not set in stone, must be verified.

With these points in mind, I conclude, and expect a dialogue to ensue. Detailed updated plans of action are expected to accompany standard reports.

Most Sincerely,


Thursday, February 19, 2009

I am human, therefore I create.

Well, I have been really and truly amazed at what has happened. I really did not expect this to happen so quickly, and such have been surprised, very pleasantly of course, by the events that have taken place.

The commitment to happiness.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


It has been a good week, a good, almost surreal past few days. However, it has come to a ruck. Well, I suppose I need time too, I need to figure out my thoughts, and if I am sure, then time is not an issue, time is just but an illusion of now, and there is plenty more from where that came from.

Plan to plan - Plan to plan to try.

On that, I decided to add more. Isnt it odd how alive we feel when we are thrown out of what we perceive as normality, isnt it odd how it is at times when we are confused that we make decisions and show ourselves to be who we really are? Strange, friendly normality will not expose who we really are, will not show anyone who we are. How well would we know another if everything was in a peaceful state? Not terribly well. That said, it cannot always be filled with turmoil, but rather, I think that self discovery, mutual discovery happens when we are pushed out of our comfort zone. This is but the beginning, this is a crucial step, one where a decision is made. To share or not to share. We cannot write the future, but we can sure try to get where we want to be.

The best is yet to be.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

And here's to a new beginning

I am happy, and I havent felt so truly happy in a long time. To be understood, and to understand. I hope that this carries on, always. What i want. I know what I want. I have what I want.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I quote me.

I can no longer logic, logic has become consumed with emotion, unsuppressed, desire, desire for what i want. Logic, stand by me, wisdom grant unto me.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Strange, but i always did think of myself as more the dreamer than the do-er! I have the vision, the inclination that it is right, and i am usually rather right about what i feel, but mostly, am not strong enough to pull through with it all the way. From conceptualization to realization.

Work as a team then huh! I need to find a suitable one, so that i can be left to do what i like doing. Daydream.

Friday, February 6, 2009

You Are An ENTP

The Visionary

You are charming, outgoing, friendly. You make a good first impression.

You possess good negotiating skills and can convince anyone of anything.

Happy to be the center of attention, you love to tell stories and show off.

You're very clever, but you are not disciplined enough to do well in structured environments.

In love, you see everything as a grand adventure. You enjoy taking risks for love.

And if things don't work out, you're usually not too much worse for the wear!

You would make a great entrepreneur, marketing executive, or actor.

At work, you need a lot of freedom to pursue your own path and vision.

How you see yourself: Analytical, creative, and peaceful

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Detached, wishy-washy, and superficial

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Seizing the moment.

I am perplexed. On one hand, I know that it must be done, I want it to be so. On the other, I fear that I would mess things up. What do you do when you're confused? Do you just screw it all and go for what you want? I have been known to be impulsive, but I am holding back. This is not normal.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

And so it is done

And so it is done, all the unhappiness... Gone? Perhaps not, but shoved involuntarily and with brutal force into a dingy corner where memories reside. I will always love my memories, and cherish them. There is always a soft spot in my heart, where memories continue to grow, dreams based on those memories, of what could have been, if only. If only.

We are all different people, similar in most ways, but each is slightly individual, and in the case where differences are exaggerated because of over-analysis, now that is just a shame. We stand tall, stand strong, and we get what we want no matter the price. We concentrate on the goal, and brave the path.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Trying times

Through trying times, many of us wish that there was someone there to stand by us, and give us the emotional support that we need, or rather yearn for. However as time passes we all realize that it is impeccable that we are self sustaining, self reliant. Dont get me wrong,I am always trying to help out, and i know what i can and cannot do for someone. But that said, i think that it is impossible to be happy when it is a dead ended thing, when there is no happiness in sight. We just deal with it. This of course... Duh, is easier said than done, but through our trails and tribulations, we grow to be more than who we are, become better and stronger in character, and most importantly, find out who we truly are.

A dear friend said to me recently: "I wanna see you stressed out. Stress brings out the best and the worst in people." Stress. Be it emotional or psychological, gives us a chance to learn, about the one thing that we are here for. Ourselves. Gaining experience as we go along. Going by the book mostly just doesn't cut it.

If help is needed, ask, and i will try my best.