Monday, April 27, 2009
And more to the weekend
I know there are many things that I need to work on, including overswinging!! dammit... I need practice!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Wow... you know, it really isnt every day that you come across something new, something so revolutionary that you just make the switch so fast you totally forget about the past. Well, after google chrome and yadda yadda yadda, I went in search of a new browser. And there is one! Flock, built on the firefox platform that hasnt failed to impress me in every way, so far! Well, google it, and use it. It is really something to behold. It is so good it's insane!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Gawddammit.. I hate the fact that there are some things that cannot be put off, like how i just spent over two hundred bucks on brakes, a/c filter and other bare essentials for my car! Oh well, looks like I really need to watch my finances. I really cannot go on like this.
So much for that, I think that there are many things that need to be done and there are many things that need to be sorted out, and I am just feeling too worn out to get started on work, and thus this entry! Oh well, I suppose procrastination works well for me.... This time at least.. Perhaps it is good to let things settle and lose it's power to overwhelm, before I make a clear headed choice... It's just the procrastination eh?
So well there, I have wasted enough time, it's time again to close this screen, and get on to open windows on the system tray, those with more pressing needs than this!
So much for that, I think that there are many things that need to be done and there are many things that need to be sorted out, and I am just feeling too worn out to get started on work, and thus this entry! Oh well, I suppose procrastination works well for me.... This time at least.. Perhaps it is good to let things settle and lose it's power to overwhelm, before I make a clear headed choice... It's just the procrastination eh?
So well there, I have wasted enough time, it's time again to close this screen, and get on to open windows on the system tray, those with more pressing needs than this!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The network that we operate on.
As time progresses, things that I read, and have come to know as true and good, continually enforce themselves. This can simply be attributed to the fact that we are looking for signs to enforce what we already think to be true! Not that they are definitely, but rather, because we are looking for the signs that will prove ourselves right, we will either distort reality or equate the things that are happening to our beliefs. Perhaps it's high time for us to keep our minds open and try and form ideas not based on convention and or preconceived ideas. We should never let our ideas be totally stuck, or rather, be afraid to change our ideas. They are already skewed because of the way our minds tick!
Well, on another hand, I think I am really making progress, and if you follow me on twitter, you'd know that I am back online on facebook! Wonder if anyone from one of the companies that I work for read the post about the suspension of facebook. Oh, and if you were wondering, it wasnt unblocked. Perhaps I need to get the people who matter more to READ this blog!
Right, so well there, two cents worth followed by shit I thought mattered. Totalling three cents worth! Ta-daa.
Well, on another hand, I think I am really making progress, and if you follow me on twitter, you'd know that I am back online on facebook! Wonder if anyone from one of the companies that I work for read the post about the suspension of facebook. Oh, and if you were wondering, it wasnt unblocked. Perhaps I need to get the people who matter more to READ this blog!
Right, so well there, two cents worth followed by shit I thought mattered. Totalling three cents worth! Ta-daa.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
A few days ago, something really disturbing happened to me. A friend commented on my status on facebook, and I saw that in my email, but, I could no longer log into facebook! I was shocked when I was instead, directed to an internal error message! Albeit emblazoned with the company logo saying that social networking sites are not allowed..
I am totally guilty for using facebook at work for my own purposes, but that said, I do think that given my short stay at this company in question, the reason why I know many of my colleagues can be attributed to the fact that there is a group online with many of them. That, simply put, told me about them, what they do and where their interests lie. That in turn, allowed the ice to be broken really fast.
On top of that, work related matters and morale is kept high with communication constant. How do you otherwise find a chance to bump into a senior to ask him something when other instant messaging software requires you to personally know the party you are adding beforehand? Well, at least enough to ask him for his skype address. How odd will it be to be asked by an almost stranger?
I do think that in this day and age, where it is the fluidity and availability of information that gives us the cutting age, the restriction of information would only serve to be detrimental. Detrimental to the efficiency of the workforce, and detrimental to morale. Honestly, for something someone uses for a few minutes a day, is it really worth the dissent that will circulate and the resulting inspired dissatisfaction? I am not a new worker, fresh out from school, I know that in an ideal workforce, and especially in engineering, we have a bunch of robots with an infinite work output. I have been doing this for quite a number of years.
We don’t live in an ideal society, and it is not right to try and gain semblance of one by restriction and forcing compliance. Performance of an individual should be gauged by personal merit. Or is it that with the economic climate as it is, more hurdles are put in our path on purpose to make things harder, so that we need to go through a lot more crap to get things done?
Sunday, April 19, 2009
What am I supposed to do?
You know what I hate? I have been in a tango, and this all seems to be working in circles, where nothing really happens and then all I am doing is amusing myself for that moment, and then the whole cycle repeats itself. I have so many things I wanna do, but then again, going to the office every bleedy day then really wastes my time, and it really does take up a lot of effort. A lot more than what I deem worth, monetary or otherwise. I am one to work for recognition, and monetary reward.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
I am firm; you are stubborn; he is a pig-headed fool.
It's all relative. I realize that it is scary as and when people are sometimes courteous to total strangers as compared to people they know well. This is particularly evident when we are looking at two people who know each other well. They are mostly courteous to the others around them, but in some cases, absolutely nasty to their other halves, barely ever stopping to consider reverberations of statements. Sometimes, known or unknown, statements that leave as audible compressions or longitudinal waves, end up as the pebble responsible for the excitation and hence propagation of transverse waves. Albeit in another dimension, perhaps the fourth, but following the laws of physics, enforce or cancel just like any third dimensional wave would.
My theory is that just like there are 3-d properties that cannot be explained in 2-d, There are reverberations that occur in 4-d, that cannot be explained in our 3-d universe.
In case you were wondering about the post title, I realize that it is totally irrelevant to the post, but that is how I am feeling!
My theory is that just like there are 3-d properties that cannot be explained in 2-d, There are reverberations that occur in 4-d, that cannot be explained in our 3-d universe.
In case you were wondering about the post title, I realize that it is totally irrelevant to the post, but that is how I am feeling!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Well, it has come again to a point where I really dont know what to say or do any more. I was listening to Metallica, and I quote - the limitation in human understanding. Limitation in my understanding. So we all go by gut feeling, by feel. And then again, we all know that feelings and logic are contradictory, and then after a while, we are asking ourselves as to why we are acting illogically. We try straightening things out till we hit yet another brick wall. And for a good laugh, hit the repeat and shuffle buttons..... And we have human psyche. Somebody tell me I am wrong.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Ka-chiing, or rather, the lack of.
Oh gawd... After a spate of purchases, I realized that my finances are in disarray... Right, it's time to EARN more dammit! But then again, with the market situation in it's current state, I find that more tedious than ever! Well, I hope that everything goes well from now on. I have been feeling under the weather, and somehow, that is affecting me in a few ways, ways in which I did not expect to be affected.
Whatever the case, I still stand by the fact that if I do get down on paper a little of what i have been pondering about, I will make it really far! Unfortunately, i have been thinking of a few things, that I really want to write about, and strangely, when that happens, the ideas that are going through my mind are so vivid and so unique that it is almost unfathomable that I might not recollect them. Fast forward 2 days, and then ta-daah... I am now sitting at my computer, and really wondering what I was thinking about that was of such great importance! Perhaps it wasnt anything much to begin with, but trust me, at that point of time, it did really seem like it was!
Maybe it is true that writing or noting down different aspects of our lives will not enhance the entire quality, but make us harp upon the parts that displeases us. I was reading national statistics, and there was one about keeping journals. It was shown that women who kept journals are 48% more likely to get divorced, and of that number, 71% more likely to regret their decisions. Someone theorized that we will be happier if we just got on with life and not ponder about details. I say it's experience. It's where we draw that line and start judging rather than experiencing that makes the difference.
Heck, whatever the case, I need to find me dough sources! Anyone?
Whatever the case, I still stand by the fact that if I do get down on paper a little of what i have been pondering about, I will make it really far! Unfortunately, i have been thinking of a few things, that I really want to write about, and strangely, when that happens, the ideas that are going through my mind are so vivid and so unique that it is almost unfathomable that I might not recollect them. Fast forward 2 days, and then ta-daah... I am now sitting at my computer, and really wondering what I was thinking about that was of such great importance! Perhaps it wasnt anything much to begin with, but trust me, at that point of time, it did really seem like it was!
Maybe it is true that writing or noting down different aspects of our lives will not enhance the entire quality, but make us harp upon the parts that displeases us. I was reading national statistics, and there was one about keeping journals. It was shown that women who kept journals are 48% more likely to get divorced, and of that number, 71% more likely to regret their decisions. Someone theorized that we will be happier if we just got on with life and not ponder about details. I say it's experience. It's where we draw that line and start judging rather than experiencing that makes the difference.
Heck, whatever the case, I need to find me dough sources! Anyone?
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Weapon of massive consumption
Err, So I did it... I got my dSLR, bought a tripod, and a telescope! All in a day. Pretty impulsive telescope buy, but the SLR, I have been eying for quite a bit!
Anyhow, CATS... that was interesting, but in my opinion, they had a massive need for a stronger spotlight! many times, I had to wonder who they were singing about, and hunt the only marginally more illuminated character in topic! But then otherwise, it was amusing, and more so, I thought it was good that we managed to do something together as a family, and that we managed to get stuff done!
Anyhow, I will Facebook the photos, and twitter what I am doing!
Anyhow, CATS... that was interesting, but in my opinion, they had a massive need for a stronger spotlight! many times, I had to wonder who they were singing about, and hunt the only marginally more illuminated character in topic! But then otherwise, it was amusing, and more so, I thought it was good that we managed to do something together as a family, and that we managed to get stuff done!
Anyhow, I will Facebook the photos, and twitter what I am doing!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Aye Keww
Hahaha, this is one of those times I need something to reassure me that I am not a dumbass, not able to think and function. This only happened because the IQ test on facebook was insanely out of point and easy.. I had to find out another way! Not that this proves anything... Perhaps I should visit my shrink... Oh and shrink is short for headshrinker or otherwise known as a clinical psychiatrist or psychologist. - Free IQ Tests - Free IQ Tests
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Tech-ed up
Well, I just spent a really long time figuring how to work twitter in Singapore, and it took quite a bit of effort I must say, to make it work on my mobile! But, thanks going out to the team, and they are really quite something, taking it upon themselves to make up for twitter's shortcomings.
Anyhow, it has been a father interesting week, and some things happened this week that took me by surprise in many ways! Drinks at Wala's last night was interesting because I met this guy who knew a lot more about cameras than me, and we were talking about lenses and difference in camera bodies to warrant a price difference, and the real observable differences between them. I am really just itching for another slr, a digital one this time. Time to follow market trends you know...
I was feeling rather odd all of today, and I suppose I should just sleep it off, but before that, something that I read today-
We know about God from the Bible; and we know we can trust the Bible because it is the inspired word of God - That's an argumentative fallacy!
Anyhow, it has been a father interesting week, and some things happened this week that took me by surprise in many ways! Drinks at Wala's last night was interesting because I met this guy who knew a lot more about cameras than me, and we were talking about lenses and difference in camera bodies to warrant a price difference, and the real observable differences between them. I am really just itching for another slr, a digital one this time. Time to follow market trends you know...
I was feeling rather odd all of today, and I suppose I should just sleep it off, but before that, something that I read today-
We know about God from the Bible; and we know we can trust the Bible because it is the inspired word of God - That's an argumentative fallacy!
Monday, April 6, 2009
What we stand for
It has been a rather interesting weekend, with a lot covered and found. I really do like this, when I do get to think about things and see where that gets me.
I was watching Religulous by Bill Maher and it addressed quite a few issues about religion and politics, of which I will not talk about here, but would still recommend it very strongly to those who may be fortunate enough to get their hands on a copy. For thought. (I did not spell Religulous wrongly).
So much for that, I was going through many things last night and I realized that I have indeed changed over the past couple of years in terms of thought and things that I stand for. I realized that I have been more and more interested in knowing what makes people tick, though I usually have not much to say about it. I have my opinions but that can really be summed into - everyone is different because of the experiences that have shaped them. This may seem really obvious to some, but the depth at which this statement holds true is really misunderstood. I think that I would try not to get into a debate with someone over their actions simply because it isn't the conscious mind that dictates the way of action, but rather the very fabric of their being. It is really interesting to see how people try and justify actions afterward. Their actions that were preceded not by rational thinking but rather, impulse. This was brought to my attention from a book that I am just done with. I just try my very best to see the whole picture, while trying hard to be un-biased through it all.
I read, (I try and I fail. I try again, and I fail again. Never mind because when I try again, and I fail better) and I was talking to a few people about that and I was actually rather surprised with what I heard. Whatever the case, I am actually rather convinced that most people are wired to want a constant in their lives, and that any exception to that would be a threat to their very being. Many, and I am sure that I am included on this, would think of a thousand and forty two reasons to not want to think, or try something. Even when shown that it may be a better option. On top of that, many would cite faith as a reason. It is rather interesting to see how not thinking has suddenly become a virtue. I think that because we are shaped by our experiences, and we are who we are is because of what we went through, the exclusion of options would be self denial of the experiences in life. Of course, that said, I have to add that personal values must always be adhered to. Like the Unitarian Universalists say - A free and responsible search for truth and meaning. Free from ourselves. I do agree with Chomsky on many points pointed out in his “Disinformation Guide”. Freedom is not as common as we think, when mostly we are bound by ourselves. I quote,” There is not one who is more imprisoned than he who falsely believes that he is free.”
Most of this came from a dialogue with a friend of mine, in which she said - don't look too hard, you may confuse yourself even further. I replied, I dont know what to believe, and I am trying to find out. I am not going to have blind faith, which is making not thinking a virtue.
I was watching Religulous by Bill Maher and it addressed quite a few issues about religion and politics, of which I will not talk about here, but would still recommend it very strongly to those who may be fortunate enough to get their hands on a copy. For thought. (I did not spell Religulous wrongly).
So much for that, I was going through many things last night and I realized that I have indeed changed over the past couple of years in terms of thought and things that I stand for. I realized that I have been more and more interested in knowing what makes people tick, though I usually have not much to say about it. I have my opinions but that can really be summed into - everyone is different because of the experiences that have shaped them. This may seem really obvious to some, but the depth at which this statement holds true is really misunderstood. I think that I would try not to get into a debate with someone over their actions simply because it isn't the conscious mind that dictates the way of action, but rather the very fabric of their being. It is really interesting to see how people try and justify actions afterward. Their actions that were preceded not by rational thinking but rather, impulse. This was brought to my attention from a book that I am just done with. I just try my very best to see the whole picture, while trying hard to be un-biased through it all.
I read, (I try and I fail. I try again, and I fail again. Never mind because when I try again, and I fail better) and I was talking to a few people about that and I was actually rather surprised with what I heard. Whatever the case, I am actually rather convinced that most people are wired to want a constant in their lives, and that any exception to that would be a threat to their very being. Many, and I am sure that I am included on this, would think of a thousand and forty two reasons to not want to think, or try something. Even when shown that it may be a better option. On top of that, many would cite faith as a reason. It is rather interesting to see how not thinking has suddenly become a virtue. I think that because we are shaped by our experiences, and we are who we are is because of what we went through, the exclusion of options would be self denial of the experiences in life. Of course, that said, I have to add that personal values must always be adhered to. Like the Unitarian Universalists say - A free and responsible search for truth and meaning. Free from ourselves. I do agree with Chomsky on many points pointed out in his “Disinformation Guide”. Freedom is not as common as we think, when mostly we are bound by ourselves. I quote,” There is not one who is more imprisoned than he who falsely believes that he is free.”
Most of this came from a dialogue with a friend of mine, in which she said - don't look too hard, you may confuse yourself even further. I replied, I dont know what to believe, and I am trying to find out. I am not going to have blind faith, which is making not thinking a virtue.
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