I am totally stoked! I have been saving up for a little while now, and finally, I got my big ass sail! A whopping 11m! I know it may not be the biggest that some of you guys are using out there, but for me, (for now) I think that's the biggest I can handle at the moment!
After spending an arm and a leg, Here's what I have now.
1) F2 T-rex 180 Formula w/ 70cm fin
2) iSonic 150 Slalom w/56 & 62 cm fin
3) North Sails Prisma 8.5m twin cam
4) Severne Overdrive 11m triple cam
I massively need to pick up speed, and get whatever I can outta the crappy wind, and thus the big sails. A lot of thought went into the sail size selection, but i found the advice from James Douglass really useful! Especially the part about weight versus sail size for wind conditions.
I had quite a crap time trying to rig that 11m sail, cos i have simply never rigged such a big one before, and though it looked promising while I was rigging, the wind died totally once I was done. Didnt stop me from going out on my formula though, was pumping in circles for half an hour before the novelty of the new sail in no wind wore off.
Another thing that's happening, exams are no longer round the corner, but rather, at my doorstep threatening to take a nip off my balls! Right, need to close this tab off the browser, and get on with something more productive.
Goodbye, Goodbye, Hello!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
On the topic of twittering
Perhaps that's why I like it so much, I do spend ages thinking about what witty sentence would make an impact.
Anyhow, exams are round the corner, and though I am not studying much, I'd feel better if I weren't doing anything much else(like blogging)! On that same note, since this is supposed to be for what I think about, I ain't thinking of much else except my books and *pic attached*
Anyhow, exams are round the corner, and though I am not studying much, I'd feel better if I weren't doing anything much else(like blogging)! On that same note, since this is supposed to be for what I think about, I ain't thinking of much else except my books and *pic attached*

Saturday, April 10, 2010
I really like some of the tweets that I have posted over the time that I have been twittering, but heck, I cant be asked to fish them out!
Today's though, was something else too!
I wanna be as high as a kite, to taste the clouds and see tomorrow, to hear the world and converse with God.
Don't steal it!
Today's though, was something else too!
I wanna be as high as a kite, to taste the clouds and see tomorrow, to hear the world and converse with God.
Don't steal it!
What now?
I am sitting my chair, on my second can of beer, wondering what to do now, and the bad thing is, other than schoolwork, nothing else comes to mind. I am annoyed and frustrated at the same time. I guess I should just follow my heart... And get another can of beer. What else am I to do?
Friday, April 9, 2010
My internet speed
Who gets near/better than me?
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
The end.
There was a time in my life, just like my msn status says - "Soldiers and dolls wont give away, my childhood dream, I was a pirate, I conquered, and I sailed free" That's from a song that I really liked in the past. Anyhow, I have been feeling really murderous today, because, firstly, it's Easter Monday and it isn't a public holiday in Singapore, and also because I went for a job interview. No surprise that the guys there wanted to hire me. I mean, I don't usually get turned down. However, the reason why I am again holding a can of beer nursing it , is simply because, I was there, and the reality of thing hit me like a freight train!
I have taken many steps to ensure that I don't become a boring sod in a dead job, but with everything considered, I think I am going to become just that! The kind of person that I so hated, and hated to become.
Oh well, perhaps I should share what happened during the interview. I was sitting there, totally bored out of my mind, thinking about just how excited another fresh graduate would be if her/she were in my shoes, and then came in this snooty old man, 60 he says he was, with a terrible case of sinus. Of course, me being me, I started telling him that he should try using Neilmed sinus wash - this squirt-y thing that I tried and which works wonders for me. So going on, he starts quizzing me about technicalities of the manufacturing sector, and of course, boasting that he is oh so determined, successful, and whatever not a 60 year old dude has to say to make himself feel that he has accomplished a whole lot. I took an immediate dislike to him, but true to the salesman side of me, I bet he thought I was his best friend. I was determined to get the job, just so that I dont tarnish my record of never being turned down.
That said, I was happily amusing them with my crap, and watching them get all big headed and full of themselves, thinking that they have a whole cartload of shit that they can impart to this young boy when it hit me like a friggin freight train! I dont want to learn your crap! I don't want to become you! I was really silent right through the DISC personality test that they asked me to complete. I was really in shock, and thinking back at the companies that I have worked at, I do know what I wanna do. A back end sales position is definitely not what I had in mind, no matter how much you are paying! I am not selling out myself, and killing my character just so that someone can boast that I am learning from them!
Well there, I bet there's already a medical term for it, feeling the way I feel. Post educational depression? I know what I want, what I want to do. This is really far from it. Perhaps I should really just go for what I want.
I have taken many steps to ensure that I don't become a boring sod in a dead job, but with everything considered, I think I am going to become just that! The kind of person that I so hated, and hated to become.
Oh well, perhaps I should share what happened during the interview. I was sitting there, totally bored out of my mind, thinking about just how excited another fresh graduate would be if her/she were in my shoes, and then came in this snooty old man, 60 he says he was, with a terrible case of sinus. Of course, me being me, I started telling him that he should try using Neilmed sinus wash - this squirt-y thing that I tried and which works wonders for me. So going on, he starts quizzing me about technicalities of the manufacturing sector, and of course, boasting that he is oh so determined, successful, and whatever not a 60 year old dude has to say to make himself feel that he has accomplished a whole lot. I took an immediate dislike to him, but true to the salesman side of me, I bet he thought I was his best friend. I was determined to get the job, just so that I dont tarnish my record of never being turned down.
That said, I was happily amusing them with my crap, and watching them get all big headed and full of themselves, thinking that they have a whole cartload of shit that they can impart to this young boy when it hit me like a friggin freight train! I dont want to learn your crap! I don't want to become you! I was really silent right through the DISC personality test that they asked me to complete. I was really in shock, and thinking back at the companies that I have worked at, I do know what I wanna do. A back end sales position is definitely not what I had in mind, no matter how much you are paying! I am not selling out myself, and killing my character just so that someone can boast that I am learning from them!
Well there, I bet there's already a medical term for it, feeling the way I feel. Post educational depression? I know what I want, what I want to do. This is really far from it. Perhaps I should really just go for what I want.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
I love Angel, and she's gonna be trained to play pool!
Oh well, with time, my cat's gonna be a playa!
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