Well, I have taken another step backwards, and my life is slowing down a notch more! I am stuck in an office most of the day, with time to kill, and thus such, I am going to be back, posting with a vengeance!!
I dare say that I will not be able to do this for a long time, this staying in the office all day thing, and I just cannot comprehend as to how people can sit their asses there all day and not be so tired after a day! One point that i have to add is that fatigue from this activity is totally independent from the quantity or quality of work. It is however, solely dependent on company. If those around you are interesting, it is a breeze. Needless to say, it is tiring for me.
That said, I am enjoying the place, just cos the place that I am at right now brings back many memories, of happier days. Lets see how this works out. Who knows, it might turn into resentment, reminding only of a time past, gone by.