Right. After using the board for about 1 month, I have to say that it has been a real pleasure to plane with the 150. HOWEVER, when i am not on a plane, i did find that it's a pain. Thus, i have resorted to sinking the windward rail, deep. This is not for lateral traction like on a long-board, but rather, simply necessary to keep the nose of the board somewhat above the water to prevent nose diving every minute.
In marginal winds however, I still take out my old formula board. It's so much simpler to use (just because of the added volume at the nose) and for that, makes me feel a lot more secure when I'm a long distance from shore. I dont wanna be on the iSonic when the wind dies!
Talking about the F2 T-Rex, I do like the board a lot, and other than the fact that I dont get very high upwind on my North Shore 70cm fin, I ain't complaining. Is it the fin that makes the difference upwind? I realized that in planing conditions, I dont really make up for lost distance upwind. Upwind and downwind, it works out to be the same and so I am mostly going up and down along almost the same line. Not that I am complaining, but I wish I had another 70cm fin to try, and see if that plays a big role in my direction!
Lets see if my finances do me proud enough to allow that!