Because I am totally sick of waiting for wind ( And I am sure the dudes at the beach will tell me that it was honking) I decided to have a full rest day. I got up, drank water, cleared up after my cat, and went back to bed!
Well, so it happened like that;
I decided on a small reception at the registrar of marriage, everyone was there waiting, refreshments looked tasty and inviting, and I couldn't get at them because you're only supposed to eat after whatever is supposed to happen. It was storming, and I realized that my new convertible was leaking buckets, I was all wet and had to get a new shirt. My significant other was late, cos she forgot that all this was happening today, went out to pick her in my leaky car, got a new shirt, strangely I remember a lot about that - a light blue/dark brown, kinda interwoven tablecloth like material. Finally picked up the girl, car runs out of fuel, petrol station dude has a psychotic episode and breaks my window with a hammer, heated argument. THEN, my cat jumps on me. literally(not in the dream) and that's where it ends.
SOMEONE translate my dream to me.