After all that has happened, I suppose that this is the calm after the storm, when the little birds come out to play. It has been rough, and times have been bad. However, I suppose I came out of this not stronger, but more apprehensive of most things.
I have learnt many things during my short existence in this world(debatable), and though some are good, and others bad, this reinforces my belief of "nurture over nature". I think I was by nature, a very different person from who I am today, and that my experiences shaped me. Left to my own devices, I am sure I would have killed myself, or worse, gotten expelled from Hogwarts! Haha, I just had to do that.
I suppose that this is going to be a really light hearted post, and that I am resigned, and honestly, just sitting back, and watching time pass. Waiting for the time when I get worked up enough. Enough to jerk a response from me. Till then, let me ponder about the Deboichet fin I wanna get. Or is VMG a better choice?