Friday, November 28, 2008
the ultimate

Culinary experience... People check this out... I made Soba? Correct me if i am wrong... glenfiddich whisky with soda, and a monte cristo. Perfection.
Fuggin AWESOME!!! Or is this the whisky talkin?
Anyhow, the club... Zirca wassit? is the bloody same as MOS... exactly. Different logo, but the same, and i am really thankful for that!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Million Visitors!!!
if there is a fantastic site that you have to visit, that would be
Book Of Numbers
Go GO GO GO!!.. and tell me what you think!!
Book Of Numbers
Go GO GO GO!!.. and tell me what you think!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I figure that i kinda like working under tremendous stress, just to challenge myself, to see how well i will fare at pitting my mind against others. Just for the fun of it. I figure that if i were consistent, and live without this adrenalin rush of having to do a shitload in an impossibly short period of time, that that would really not be me!
I aint bragging, perhaps it's my justification of the usual nonsense that i get up to!
I aint bragging, perhaps it's my justification of the usual nonsense that i get up to!
Massive crunch time
Man.. This is it. I am flooded again, and i stress again, and i am pushing myself and my equipment even harder than err... not ever, but pretty damn hard. I wish that crunch time's over, and I can concentrate on the bigger things in life... Like golf, and spiritual fulfilment!! That means drinking, and more golf!
I wanna chill.
I wanna chill.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I feel chained
I am a free spirit, and i never wanna be, or can me chained. Perhaps you might succeed for a while, but i am sure you aint gonna be any match for me. Please. dont make this hard for me. know your worth, and LEAVE.
Monday, November 10, 2008
I do enjoy working under stress, and i do like the idea of being overwhelmed, and having a ton and a half to do, simply so that i must seize the moment. However, my past experience in life has shown me that over-rationalizing things will not serve any good, but rather, act to confuse and mask you from getting to your goals. Dont analyze, follow a set ideology, your own preferably, and then act based on that. Do not attempt to split and analyze life. It is non-linear and non-super-positionable.
This is just my way of saying i am who i am because i am the way i am. Life your life by your rules, and do not attempt to inflict me with your ideology, I see it as a disease.
This is just my way of saying i am who i am because i am the way i am. Life your life by your rules, and do not attempt to inflict me with your ideology, I see it as a disease.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Dear me...
Alcohol makes me philosophical, while being sober keeps me rational in the engineering sense. Does that mean that i am not artistic without alcohol? or is that a blessing that i have both sides in me?
Thursday, November 6, 2008
you tube - The beyond within
It is frightening to think that people will dismiss you and anything else that they don't understand as long as they come together in groups in size enough to convince themselves on the validity of their reason simply due to numerical superiority.
Who determines the legality of alcohol and nicotine and cough syrup and whatever else, and dismisses the others? Who on the other hand determines that anything is bad for you anyway? If not scientifically proven, why do people heard and dismiss things that they do not understand. Sure, it may be idealistic to hope that a culture without secrets will prevent the next opium war, but shouldnt history be re-looked at, and just because it is related by genre, does not mean it is related in experience and result?
Sure, in the hands of a total nitwit, it will be a total disaster, but does anything else differ? Conformity may not be the answer, but as for now, it might be the easiest solution.
Who determines the legality of alcohol and nicotine and cough syrup and whatever else, and dismisses the others? Who on the other hand determines that anything is bad for you anyway? If not scientifically proven, why do people heard and dismiss things that they do not understand. Sure, it may be idealistic to hope that a culture without secrets will prevent the next opium war, but shouldnt history be re-looked at, and just because it is related by genre, does not mean it is related in experience and result?
Sure, in the hands of a total nitwit, it will be a total disaster, but does anything else differ? Conformity may not be the answer, but as for now, it might be the easiest solution.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
To all you who think I am full o'crap
I was walking past the tele just now, and I saw a quote... Einstein said "If an idea does not seem absurd at first, then there is no hope for that idea." There. Booyakasha.
Monday, November 3, 2008
I have a life plan of 3 weeks.
I geddit... well, I need to remain focused, but true to who i am, there is a major flaw in the way that i work and that is that... true to what my friend says, there is a spike in miniclip usage when anything important is going to happen!! and movies and golf... hmmm... tell me... why?
Saturday, November 1, 2008
look at what i saw...
Loanshark threats!! It's real! It was written at every turn on a stairwell. Really thought it only happened in movies, and pretty crap ones at that..

LED flat panel Light...

My brand new grill... doing its thing... I am really pleased... tastes fantastic too, but that is all my work.. nothing to do with the grill!

LED flat panel Light...

My brand new grill... doing its thing... I am really pleased... tastes fantastic too, but that is all my work.. nothing to do with the grill!

You think you're so cool...
Sitting there... all tech-ed up? This day and age... noone's drugged up, everyone is just teched up! I have realized the importance of staying and remaining connected all the time, even if it was only pseudo connectivity... My new blue-tooth headphones, to my phone, playing podcasts, from my itunes on my computer, streamed through the internet to my laptop, filtered by me and transfered to my phone. I am really wondering if it is feasible to switch to an iphone, and get everything minus the whole round...
That said, what is wrong with an ipod docked at home to my desktop? Dilemmas.... I should just concentrate on being productive...
That said, what is wrong with an ipod docked at home to my desktop? Dilemmas.... I should just concentrate on being productive...
Monday, October 27, 2008
Make or break
I shall not emphasize, but in many ways, it has come a point in my life where there are so many things that are on a thin line. I reckon... it's make or break.
There are so many times when in life, you have to stand against and prevent things from happening and taking their natural course. How do you determine if that is the best course of action? Dont theorize, feel, and do!
There are so many times when in life, you have to stand against and prevent things from happening and taking their natural course. How do you determine if that is the best course of action? Dont theorize, feel, and do!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
LED lighting
Among the things that I am dabbling in, this one looks like the most promising. I am selling, LED lights, flat panel for office/home use, to replace fluorescent tubes, and these, to replace traditional flood lights. What can i say... they are cool enough to handle even after long hours of operation, use very little electricity(20W),bright(1500 Lumens) and last a really long time(50,000hrs)!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
McDonald's Singapore and their Garlic Chilli Suce

Dear Sir/Madam,
This is my second letter to McDonald's, and my first has not been replied.
I am writing in regards to and because I do believe that McDonald's Singapore has made a very grave Mistake by the discontinuation of it's garlic chili sauce. I do believe that it was oversight of the customers wants and in line with supplying with the most cost effective and generalized solution, I do believe that McDonald's has forgotten that this simple chili sauce has become part and parcel of its unique brand of taste in Singapore.
I do believe that this has been overlooked, and i do hope to quote some sites online reporting the sheer number of people feeling the same way. For a simple fast food garnishing, if that many people were writing in response to it, should something be done already? I do not believe that marketing strategy and branding is blundered through just like this. I would very much like to hear a response, if not, the continuation of this garlic chili sauce
and on that same matter, on Stomp again by me,
There is a case, of a cola company. Pretty distinguished actually, they changed the flavor and then only because of a public outcry, reverted. Singaporeans are programmed as such:
caleb_chiang said on 05 Sep, 2008
get a life... go buy the chilli yourself if you crave for it lor...
there isnt going to be a public outcry. It's only the few who bother and remember to say something. TAKE HEED!! Duh..
Friday, October 17, 2008
Check Its...
Check its... i have a new cigarette!! An electronic one at that. I never really liked the taste of cigarettes, but i like the nicotine high, so i am supposing that this is my answer! And if i still wanna taste it, a cigar is hell of a better option! So here's to quitting, -hopefully..
and and and also, i suppose that it feels good having a tricked out fag i can use to get a fix in a non smoking place. none of that old school walking and lighting and carcinogens!!

and and and also, i suppose that it feels good having a tricked out fag i can use to get a fix in a non smoking place. none of that old school walking and lighting and carcinogens!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Large Hadron Collider
i liked that... No beating around the bush...
or am i pulling a cloth over my eyes, not seeing that i am stressed beyond belief?
i liked that... No beating around the bush...
or am i pulling a cloth over my eyes, not seeing that i am stressed beyond belief?
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Piss me off
I am getting increasingly pissed, and i am getting increasingly edgy, from the constant flux of crap to be done, the constant stream of stuff that i did not forsee, that is ending on my desk like a pile of shit. Please. cut me some slack. I am tired!!! Arrrgh!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I quote
There Are No Stupid Questions, But There Are A Lot Of Inquisitive Idiots.
If You're Not A Part Of The Solution, There's Good Money To Be Made In Prolonging The Problem.
When You Earnestly Believe You Can Compensate For A Lack Of Skill By Doubling Your Efforts, There's No End To What You Can't Do.
Never Underestimate the Power of Stupid People in Large Groups.
A Few Harmless Flakes Working Together Can Unleash An Avalanche Of Destruction.
You Can Do Anything You Set Your Mind To When You Have Vision, Determination, And An Endless Supply Of Cheap Labor.
If A Pretty Poster And A Cute Saying Are All It Takes To Motivate You, You Probably Have A Very Easy Job. The Kind Robots Will Be Doing Soon.
None Of Us Is As Dumb As All Of Us.
Just Because You're Necessary Doesn't Mean You're Important.
Hard Work Often Pays Off After Time, but Laziness Always Pays Off Now.
It Could Be that the Purpose of Your Life Is Only to Serve as a Warning to Others.
There Are No Stupid Questions, But There Are A Lot Of Inquisitive Idiots.
If You're Not A Part Of The Solution, There's Good Money To Be Made In Prolonging The Problem.
When You Earnestly Believe You Can Compensate For A Lack Of Skill By Doubling Your Efforts, There's No End To What You Can't Do.
Never Underestimate the Power of Stupid People in Large Groups.
A Few Harmless Flakes Working Together Can Unleash An Avalanche Of Destruction.
You Can Do Anything You Set Your Mind To When You Have Vision, Determination, And An Endless Supply Of Cheap Labor.
If A Pretty Poster And A Cute Saying Are All It Takes To Motivate You, You Probably Have A Very Easy Job. The Kind Robots Will Be Doing Soon.
None Of Us Is As Dumb As All Of Us.
Just Because You're Necessary Doesn't Mean You're Important.
Hard Work Often Pays Off After Time, but Laziness Always Pays Off Now.
It Could Be that the Purpose of Your Life Is Only to Serve as a Warning to Others.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
In my infinite Wisdom
In my infinite wisdom, I have screwed up and confused even myself. It is perplexing, love, and all that which comes along with it. Perhaps, and this is so true, that love really isnt everything. It is but a beginning, a commitment to resolve so much more, an acceptance of the other person, a commitment to the future.
How do you commit when the past is clinging on to you like a wet towel? Especially when the past is one so painful, that it is screwing things up? memories... Blardy Hell..
How do you commit when the past is clinging on to you like a wet towel? Especially when the past is one so painful, that it is screwing things up? memories... Blardy Hell..
Monday, October 6, 2008
Past Lives.
I had past lives, lives that I was, shaping the very fabric of my personality, and forming who I am. The past few weeks have been tragic, it has been a total disaster. I have to straighten things out. I have got to be strong.
What happens when you realize that it is too late, and when you realize that because the past has screwed up what you want now? What happened in the past was nothing wrong on my part, and there is just nothing, in my opinion, that i could have done better. I did my best. However, when the person at fault has realized their mistake, albeit late, but nonetheless, do you give them another chance? how do you believe in something when you have decided some time ago that that was enough, when the person realized their mistake only after you have told ourself that that is too late?
Well, I once told this someone that there would come a time when it'll all be too late. I am not taking revenge, but it is really too late.
What happens when you realize that it is too late, and when you realize that because the past has screwed up what you want now? What happened in the past was nothing wrong on my part, and there is just nothing, in my opinion, that i could have done better. I did my best. However, when the person at fault has realized their mistake, albeit late, but nonetheless, do you give them another chance? how do you believe in something when you have decided some time ago that that was enough, when the person realized their mistake only after you have told ourself that that is too late?
Well, I once told this someone that there would come a time when it'll all be too late. I am not taking revenge, but it is really too late.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Duh Chain of events
I was just thinking, have you been in a situation that in your opinion, is hurtling out of control, just because of a singular event that happened? leading of course to a desirable or undesirable chain of events to happen? well, i am in one now, undesirable of course, nothing desirable ever does leave such a profound impact does it?
After pondering over it for a long time, i was wondering. how often are we masters of our destiny? if you are doing enough, you obviously would be setting into action, a lot of different chains of events, that will mature, desirably or not, independent or dependent on your input. How do you watch over and get enough input to get things out right?
From what i think, true masters of their destines are just hermits, and or plain weird... you know, alone, obsessive compulsive individuals. Or is it that i am just losing control? Control obsessive?
After pondering over it for a long time, i was wondering. how often are we masters of our destiny? if you are doing enough, you obviously would be setting into action, a lot of different chains of events, that will mature, desirably or not, independent or dependent on your input. How do you watch over and get enough input to get things out right?
From what i think, true masters of their destines are just hermits, and or plain weird... you know, alone, obsessive compulsive individuals. Or is it that i am just losing control? Control obsessive?
Friday, September 26, 2008
right. Independence. I want to be so badly, and yet people want me to be dependent on them? Goodness. I really cannot see why. Why bother? What abouts all you out there? My dream? Independence and continual hyper-productivity, but not in the mundane. You? Whats u made of?
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Comfort Zones
I was watching the love guru... and for those who have yet to see it, Go. There was this line. When love is not in order, life is not in order... Something like that, but i got the gist. Comfort zones? only in relationships. Are they not supposed to be the things we run to for solace, rather the thing that needs constant time and effort to maintain? I have no clue, and if you ask me, who on earth would have time to entertain such thoughts?
Whatever the case, KL was alright, blew 2 big ones there, expensive as hell!
Whatever the case, KL was alright, blew 2 big ones there, expensive as hell!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
My KL trip.. Next.
goodness, after all that planning, is this all the thanks that i am going to get? I still need to go get a gift. Perplexing... I never got how to buy a gift. Importance and necessity? Give a sum of money, but then again, that would mean the percentage of your total money would equate to the amount of affection. This just sucks. I am so confused.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Whoo Hoo!
Whatever Significance that makes, it's today that my counter on this blog reached a quarter a million. That means that there are a quarter million readers... err clicks at least right? But then again... i am really perplexed.. how come there isnt anyone who comments on my blog? or issit just that everyone is as frustrated as me, and just another soul in the world feeling that he is hindered and shit is NOTHING new? I WONDER.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Goodness gracious
I am tired of making a change. is conformity a necessity? or is it me being lazy? I feel like this so often, and honestly, even though this happens, i still always manage to think to myself... screw this shit.. and get on with my life. Or is it this shithole? I am irritated, and honestly, I hate this place. truthfully. Singapore.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
And the shit re-hits the fan!
As the title says, I am in neck deep. It is insane, but all worth it. Trusting your partner? I do. Do you? And all you people out there. do you trust your partners? Maybe i am really not cut out for this relationship buisness. As a friend once said. Love eludes and confuses me. I dont get this at all. Trust. That is the key factor right? Trusting in the person and the persons love. Is that hard? Or should we just not even try?
Saturday, September 13, 2008
It was all good, all fantastic, birthday was good! Dinner was mind bogglingly fantastic, but then came drinks at the club. Too much whiskey later, I was pissed drunk, and a friend had to send me home cos i was feeling really pukey, and i puked! once i got outta the cab... and i havent drank that much in ages! I didnt notice that my phone wasnt with me, left it with a friend. It was just a harmless night out with my friends. How issit that it's so hard to understand?
Friday, September 12, 2008
Happy Birthday
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The path of least resistance.
Tell me. How often are we giving away the rights in our life, just for the simple fact that we are too bloody lazy to do what our heart/minds tell us, and take the path of least resistance? I keep telling myself. I am not heat, nor am i an electron flow.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Saturday, September 6, 2008
All Hail the QUEEN!

I was at Orchard towers last night, at this place called 3 monkeys watching a show... by a drag queen. Kumar if you know. She was AWESOME, as usual. But just as I was really getting into the mood of things, someone in the audience started becoming really responsive. Miss Drag Queen started posing questions to her, asking her if she could tell the difference between transsexuals and straight prossies, and she was really really in her own world! Blabbering gibberish, going totally outta point. AND AND AND, to top it all off, A dude who was having his bachelor's night was up on stage, and boy was he constipated. verbally constipated! ERR... YES.... No.. that summed up what he has to say. For fug's sake!!
Live your life and experience life. Stop cowering in some odd dingy corner thinking that you're comfortable! Other things that are important to you my ass! Well, communicate at least. How hard can it be... bloody hell...
Friday, September 5, 2008
I am tired
I have realized that there is a limit to how much one can force oneself. I am tired, of making, or rather forcing everything to work. I need a break, but yet, deadlines are rendering me dead. Just today, i realized that i have changed. From the optimistic carefree person, to one that knows that it's all just going to be a bitch, unless I work hard to take things against their natural course. Which for me, is usually perpendicular, if not, in the totally opposite direction from where i want it to be.
I wanna play golf! why is what so hard to comprehend that!! haha, i am usually thinking that, but otherwise, it's just school and that tad bit of work that I do that takes up the rest of my time! Tell me, how do i lead a life like that? Coupled with the crazy nights pissed drunk, I think I IS WALKING HARD!!!!!!!
I wanna play golf! why is what so hard to comprehend that!! haha, i am usually thinking that, but otherwise, it's just school and that tad bit of work that I do that takes up the rest of my time! Tell me, how do i lead a life like that? Coupled with the crazy nights pissed drunk, I think I IS WALKING HARD!!!!!!!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Birthday wish
What i truly want for my birthday. Wishlist? perhaps, more like 2 things. Money and time. I have not enough money, nor do i have enough time to get anything done. I am on a tight schedule, and i am feeling the stress of having so much on my hands and on my mind. Gawd. Issit so hard to just be me? and be human?
I'd so rather be golfing. So rather be chillin over a pint or ten...
I'd so rather be golfing. So rather be chillin over a pint or ten...
Watch me fly...

And then again, perhaps it's just this hellhole. I think it's the latter!!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
What happens when I am simply too strapped for time and I am absolutely trying my best, but somehow, putting everything in first place just isnt working any more? Dont give me the crap about time management and or that i have to choose. If you do, then ask yourself if you ever demanded something from someone. You have, and you have no right to tell me that I have any better choice. Not that it matters.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Stand by me?
I was asked this sometime ago. who would you stand by? me or (insert name) if it all came to a ruck? I spent a whole great deal of time thinking about it, then i realized. What? after searching my emotions of how i would feel and so on, I realized that i stand by logic, and I stand for what i think is right, and i cannot predict how i will react... duhh... how am i supposed to say that? It is rather pointless to explain yourself anyway isnt it? when all others see is their perception of you and what they want to see.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
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