Dear Sir/Madam,
This is my second letter to McDonald's, and my first has not been replied.
I am writing in regards to and because I do believe that McDonald's Singapore has made a very grave Mistake by the discontinuation of it's garlic chili sauce. I do believe that it was oversight of the customers wants and in line with supplying with the most cost effective and generalized solution, I do believe that McDonald's has forgotten that this simple chili sauce has become part and parcel of its unique brand of taste in Singapore.
I do believe that this has been overlooked, and i do hope to quote some sites online reporting the sheer number of people feeling the same way. For a simple fast food garnishing, if that many people were writing in response to it, should something be done already? I do not believe that marketing strategy and branding is blundered through just like this. I would very much like to hear a response, if not, the continuation of this garlic chili sauce
and on that same matter, on Stomp again by me,
There is a case, of a cola company. Pretty distinguished actually, they changed the flavor and then only because of a public outcry, reverted. Singaporeans are programmed as such:
caleb_chiang said on 05 Sep, 2008
get a life... go buy the chilli yourself if you crave for it lor...
there isnt going to be a public outcry. It's only the few who bother and remember to say something. TAKE HEED!! Duh..