I was just thinking, have you been in a situation that in your opinion, is hurtling out of control, just because of a singular event that happened? leading of course to a desirable or undesirable chain of events to happen? well, i am in one now, undesirable of course, nothing desirable ever does leave such a profound impact does it?
After pondering over it for a long time, i was wondering. how often are we masters of our destiny? if you are doing enough, you obviously would be setting into action, a lot of different chains of events, that will mature, desirably or not, independent or dependent on your input. How do you watch over and get enough input to get things out right?
From what i think, true masters of their destines are just hermits, and or plain weird... you know, alone, obsessive compulsive individuals. Or is it that i am just losing control? Control obsessive?