Well, it has happened again. It's going fugged up. My home computer didnt survive a lightning strike near or on my house. Thought it was the power supply, but evidently, it isnt!! Well, so now it's time to get a new mobo, and a new processor. I was thinking intel c2d extreme. I am still pissed off. You know, how many people have so much crap in their lives? Typical!
On the other hand, I have been thinking of getting a new mobo, and processor, just cos the computer that I built for my sister is almost as fast as mine... Stock! Well, here's the reason. Sent from above!
I have been feeling rather tired recently, dunno if it's the workload or the influx of crap. I just like a cleaner. You know, when there's crap here, clean it up, then more appears over there, and then off I go again... And then it appears everywhere, and I start cleaning like mad, and then it starts piling up... and I am cleaning like mad, but it piles so high it hits the fan... and then it gets flung everywhere, and everything is covered in crap...
Haha... dont mind me.. I am just rambling on... I am just pissed at my computer, and the shit I am getting at work... Thank goodness there is one who still makes me smile when I think of.