Well, it's been a few days since I smoked a proper cigarette, and honestly, it is getting easier, just a tad, but my major problem is that, I cant seem to get my brain to start working properly! Coffee increases the urge to smoke tenfold so I'd rather not go there. I feel tired, irritated, and well, generally crap. Well, I suppose it's cos my body hasnt been smoke free for 13 years!
Well, on the other hand, I have also been thinking a bit as to common reactions to feedback.
Just because things are known to react and become one way, doesnt necessarily mean that everything will take that prescribed path right? And when it doesnt, are we to be disappointed? I think that personal expectation is really a formidable force. In most cases, all we can do is hope for the best, and see what time brings. That is of course, must be done without neglect to the decisions that we have made.
You know what... Brain just isnt working, not enough to think straight or do much productive...