Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Tech-ed up

Well, I just spent a really long time figuring how to work twitter in Singapore, and it took quite a bit of effort I must say, to make it work on my mobile! But, thanks going out to the team, and they are really quite something, taking it upon themselves to make up for twitter's shortcomings.

Anyhow, it has been a father interesting week, and some things happened this week that took me by surprise in many ways! Drinks at Wala's last night was interesting because I met this guy who knew a lot more about cameras than me, and we were talking about lenses and difference in camera bodies to warrant a price difference, and the real observable differences between them. I am really just itching for another slr, a digital one this time. Time to follow market trends you know...

I was feeling rather odd all of today, and I suppose I should just sleep it off, but before that, something that I read today-

We know about God from the Bible; and we know we can trust the Bible because it is the inspired word of God - That's an argumentative fallacy!